
How it all started

Well,   it   all   started   one   day   when   two   recovery   blokes   (who   shall remain   anonymous)   had   a   minor   blue,   so   the   Fish   (who   was   a   lot slimmer   in   those   days   (check   out   the   photo   at   the   back   of   the book)   thought   what   was   needed   was   something   to   look   forward to   and   chill   out   with   a   bit   of   male   bonding,   and   so   the   boys   trip started.  That was way back in 1976.

Since then

There   are   many   stories   that   have   been   told   and   retold   over   the years    and    they    all    should    be    put    down    but    given    the    dusty corridors   of   time   it   is   not   possible,   but   here   are   a   few   that   we consider to be worthy of retelling. Some   may   have   already   have   been   told   many   times   before   so apologies to them Recovery   Section   was   created   in   April   74   (jobs   advertised   &   we actually   started   in   July   74).   The   office   was   originally   in   Mount   St   & after   a   short   while   we   moved   to   Wellington   St.   We   then   moved   to     Cohn   St   Carlsile   in   1979.      In   1983   we   moved   to   Welshpool.   Prior   to Cohn   St   annual   trips   had   not   commenced.   It   was   in   Carlisle   when we    started.        People    like    Robert    Rukstele    and    Ross    Simpson worked   at   Cohn   St   but   I   can't   remember   those   2   going   on   trips. So,    to    my    recollection,    Trips    to    Jurien    commenced    sometime between 1980 & 82. That   f....s   up   the   30   year   bit   I   think   so   maybe   we   should   just   say nobody   can   remember   who   attended   between   the   years   1974   to 1982 ish!!!!
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How it all started

Well,   it   all   started   one   day   when   two   recovery   blokes   (who   shall   remain anonymous)   had   a   minor   blue,   so   the   Fish   (who   was   a   lot   slimmer   in those   days   (check   out   the   photo   at   the   back   of   the   book)   thought   what was   needed   was   something   to   look   forward   to   and   chill   out   with   a   bit   of male bonding, and so the boys trip started.  That was way back in 1976.

Since then

There   are   many   stories   that   have   been   told   and   retold   over   the   years and   they   all   should   be   put   down   but   given   the   dusty   corridors   of   time   it is   not   possible,   but   here   are   a   few   that   we   consider   to   be   worthy   of retelling. Some   may   have   already   have   been   told   many   times   before   so   apologies to them Recovery   Section   was   created   in   April   74   (jobs   advertised   &   we   actually started   in   July   74).   The   office   was   originally   in   Mount   St   &   after   a   short while   we   moved   to   Wellington   St.   We   then   moved   to      Cohn   St   Carlsile   in 1979.      In   1983   we   moved   to   Welshpool.   Prior   to   Cohn   St   annual   trips   had not   commenced.   It   was   in   Carlisle   when   we   started.      People   like   Robert Rukstele   and   Ross   Simpson   worked   at   Cohn   St   but   I   can't   remember those   2   going   on   trips.   So,   to   my   recollection,   Trips   to   Jurien   commenced sometime between 1980 & 82. That   f....s   up   the   30   year   bit   I   think   so   maybe   we   should   just   say   nobody can remember who attended between the years 1974 to 1982 ish!!!!