
Every   year,   since   1976,   there   has   been   an   annual   pilgrimage   for   a   bunch   of guys   who   just   want   to   get   away   together   and   have   fun   as   only   guys   can   do. In   recent   times   it   has   entailed   travelling   on   a   bus   for   a   pub   crawl   from   Perth to   Busselton;   we   might   visit   a   few   wineries   on   day   2   followed   by   a   BBQ   lunch somewhere;   and   then   we   finish   on   day   3   with   more   conviviality   at   a   pub   on the   way   home.   A   great   bunch   of   guys   and   a   great   time   is   had   by   all.   These are   the   photos   of   some   of   those   years.   For   further   information   on   the   full history please see the About  page.
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Every   year,   since   1976,   there   has   been   an   annual pilgrimage   for   a   bunch   of   guys   who   just   want   to   get away   together   and   have   fun   as   only   guys   can   do.   In recent   times   it   has   entailed   travelling   on   a   bus   for   a pub   crawl   from   Perth   to   Busselton;   we   might   visit   a few    wineries    on    day    2    followed    by    a    BBQ    lunch somewhere;   and   then   we   finish   on   day   3   with   more conviviality    at    a    pub    on    the    way    home.    A    great bunch   of   guys   and   a   great   time   is   had   by   all.   These are   the   photos   of   some   of   those   years.   For   further information   on   the   full   history   please   see   the   About   page.

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Fugiat ipsum duis minim ex aliquip enim aliqua amet. Esse elit in adipisicing velit dolore, eiusmod adipisicing minim sed irure dolore eu sunt occaecat. Fugiat quis, laboris esse nisi amet elit esse proident anim, sit ut exercitation. In ad ex. Ut tempor consequat id. Amet, minim esse nisi exercitation officia irure aute nostrud. Commodo quis incididunt irure, elit velit adipisicing consectetur. In dolore nostrud, nulla ut tempor et esse ut ad culpa fugiat id. Aliquip pariatur deserunt adipisicing nisi, non sed reprehenderit officia.
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